Who we are
We are a team of highly experienced organisational psychologists who empower people and organisations to reach their full potential. We bring clarity and insight about people. We develop solutions that are tailored to your business needs, rather than trying to fit your needs around a ‘pre-packaged’ solution. We put people at the centre, so that your people feel valued, supported, and respected.
Since 1996, we have assessed over 10,000 managers and leaders. Our lead consultants hold PhDs in psychology, and we design our services based on research and best practice. Our track record and qualifications mean that you can have confidence that what we do, works.
We work with people at all levels, from professionals and frontline managers to Chief Executives of large organisations. Since 2002, we have regularly assessed Public Service Chief Executives on behalf of Te Kawa Mataaho Public Service Commission. We have worked with almost every public sector organisation in New Zealand, along with a range of state-owned enterprises, private sector clients, and Australian organisations. Many of our client relationships are longstanding, illustrating the sustained benefits our clients experience from our work.
Cerno has been selected as a panel provider in the Human Resources subcategory (Tier 2) of the All-of-Government Consultancy Services panel.
A few examples which illustrate our work include:
Leadership Insight
We were commissioned by the New Zealand Public Service Commission to design and deliver the Leadership Insight initiative, in partnership with the Leadership Development Centre. As part of this initiative, we have completed assessments for over 650 second- and third-tier managers from a wide range of agencies. For the first time, Leadership Insight has enabled consistent measurement of leadership capability across the Public Sector.
Executive Capability Assessment and Development Programme (ECAD)
We designed this developmental assessment programme for senior executives across the Queensland Public Service. We assessed over 600 senior executives as part of ECAD, and also conducted over 100 ‘refresh’ assessments. ECAD has provided the Queensland Public Service with an accurate and detailed benchmark of executive capability, and the ability to manage executive talent effectively and flexibly. The ECAD programme won a Queensland Premier’s Award for its positive contribution to sector performance.
Assessment for organisational change
We have provided selection assessment for several significant organisational change programmes. For example, in one high-profile change programme, we assessed 99 candidates for up to 7 managerial roles each (in total there were 398 applications to consider). The assessment process was part of a wider culture change initiative. Timeframes were short, to minimise uncertainty and disruption. We worked in partnership with the organisation’s staff to develop and deliver the assessments, ensure a robust and transparent process, and provide post-selection support.
An assessment centre for a senior technical role
We worked with a client to design a bespoke assessment centre for a highly specialised technical role. This assessment centre is used as the entry point for the senior professional rank within this organisation. We provided assessment training to our client, to help their team build the skills required for the assessment centre. Our client is now able to lead the delivery of each assessment centre, while we play a supporting role. Successful candidates have commented that the assessment centre provides a realistic preview of, and valuable preparation for, the senior professional rank.